From Our Member Firm Sintons: Business Protection
Business Protection
Most businesses have important confidential information which is invaluable to them. Protecting this information is essential for making sure it maintains its value and isn’t used by anyone else, either for their own benefit or that of a competitor.
It is common for many employees to have access to confidential information as part of their role and for some it can actually be required in order for them to perform it. It also stands to reason that the more senior an employee is, the greater the amount of confidential information they will have access to, and, that it may also be more valuable as a result.
Employees are likely to be a business’ most important asset, contributing significantly to its success. As such, there can be competition to recruit the right individuals, and employees will often end up leaving to join key competitors, whether they are poached or take the step themselves. Employees can also make the decision that it is time to move on and apply their trade for their own benefit, by setting up on their own...